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Blogging for business

December 19, 2012


Blogging for business. Seems like everybody is doing it these days. There’s great blogs and then there’s bad blogs. What’s the difference? Well, it depends on what you’re trying to achieve from the blog.

The experts will say it’s about content. Make the content for the customer and you’ve struck gold. Or have you? I saw an example of a post that was to do with costume hire and it would seem that the article was written by a computer. Yes, the content was there but from a readable point of view for the average punter looking to hire a costume (especially in Melbourne), then it read like a very boring back page of a newspaper that was printed in the 1800’s.

Some people may very well read this post and say my content is poor. Possibly. But it’s written by me in my words and with my emotions. Not bashed out from a software program. If your blogging for business, be real and use the language you would use because that way it will come across more genuine and heart-felt (a touchy-feely word to use). In an age where technology rules, why not add that human element to your posts so your customers will feel more in touch with you rather than just reading a blurb.

Now as the SEO guru of Melbourne, I get frustrated when a business outsources their blogging to companies that simply are in it for their own revenue raising means and not get nuts deep into the soul of the client they are working with… partnering with. They bleed the client of their personality in favour of spam generated posts. Spam in a can. That’s what it is.

If you want to know how to improve your blogging for business contact me, the Melbourne SEO guru –


One Comment
  1. Coxy permalink

    Great work Craig. You should write a book.

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